Uncategorized http://trust2013.sba-research.org Fri, 26 Jun 2015 17:32:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Welcome to the 6th International Conference on Trust & Trustworthy Computing http://trust2013.sba-research.org/?p=1 Mon, 15 Oct 2012 08:57:32 +0000 http://trust2013.sba-research.org/?p=1 Continue reading ]]> TRUST 2013 is an international conference on the technical and socio-economic aspects of trustworthy infrastructures. It provides an excellent interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners, and decision makers to explore new ideas and discuss experiences in building, designing, using and understanding trustworthy computing systems.

We are pleased to announce that keynotes will be given by Sadie Creese  (Professor of Cyber Security, Oxford University), by Dr Igor Muttik (McAffee) and by Mark Stokes (Head of DEFS).

Building on the success of TRUST 2012 (held in Vienna, Austria), TRUST 2011 (held in Pittsburgh, USA) and TRUST 2010 (held in Berlin, Germany) TRUST 2009 (held in Oxford, UK), this conference focuses on trusted and trustworthy computing, both from the technical and social perspectives. The conference itself has two main strands, one devoted to technical aspects and one devoted to the socio-economic aspects of trusted computing.



TRUST 2013 is hosted by Imperial College London, UK, supported by SBA Research, Austria and sponsored by Trusted Computing Group, Intel and Microsoft.

